Bernalillo County Awards PMCS Two New Contracts

This past month, both the Bernalillo County Information Technology and Purchasing Departments issued PMC Solutions, Inc. (PMCS) separate contracts in support of their Continuous Process Management Improvement efforts.  Through the continual use of PMCS’ proprietary process mapping software, inProcess, the County is expanding their Business Process Management Center (BPMC), and will be utilizing PMCS’ services to provide the following in these extended contracts:

  • Data gathering from the County’s policies, procedures, guidelines, directives, requirements, and other documentation
  • Designing, developing, and structuring that data into a workable process that will be entered it into the BPMC
  • Run all processes through a pre-approved review cycle for final edits, corrections, and issues identification, resulting in a finalized process that will be published to the BPMC
  • Provide inProcess™ Software User and Viewer training to both departments respectively


  • The IT Department would like to improve processes that have a direct and indirect relationship with other County departments
  • The Purchasing Department would like for the full development of their procurement processes: Request for Proposals, Request for Bids, Small Purchases, Utilization of Existing Contracts, Indigent / Unclaimed Cremation, and Process and Vendor Performance Evaluation processes
  • Both departments are looking for PMCS to provide recommendations that will make their processes more efficient and less time-intensive, as well as provide information on best business practices on knowledge sharing using business process management as a tool

Over the past 2 years, PMCS and Bernalillo County have worked together to initiate a process-minded work environment at the County with the ultimate goal of generating cost-effective process improvements.  During that time, both PMCS and Bernalillo County process analysts have identified significant dollar saving for the County, and look forward to continuing these efforts.

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